Monday, March 31, 2014


Lorelai was so silly tonight. While giggling uncontrollably, she felt the need to climb all over her Mama.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Lorelai insisted that we take "jimmie beans" home with us tonight from Nana's house. As we were leaving, Aunt Mo, Chris, and Frank were eating ice cream and Lorelai knew exactly what part of all that she couldn't live without. Mama put some in a ziplock bag and Lorelai insisted on carrying them in her pocket and in her hand the whole ride home. Immediately once we were in the door, Lorelai was calling for her jimmie beans to be opened.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Today Lorelai declared that she wanted to lay down in Mama's nap spot after lunch.

Friday, March 28, 2014


Today Daddy asked Lorelai if she was tired at nap time. Her reply-- "No Mommy tired. Mommy take a nap."

Thursday, March 27, 2014


We took Lorelai to get her birthday pictures tonight. Mama and Daddy didn't realize that there was a set of markers in with her new cupcakes. A bit of coloring later and now we are all well aware. She's certainly of her own mind now that she is 2. Though if you ask her, Lorelai tells everyone that she just turned 3!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Lorelai loves to hijack Mama's cell phone so she can look at pictures of kids and herself. Sometimes, her curious fingers get the best of her and she wanders into other programs as well.
Today she sent Daddy the following text message: "I kim munching hobby b hhejrhrrjrhhrhhrhrhrrd 738383838 NJ ejeujejejejeiwwi2jue h j b heennenenieiei2 UK u3rjeywheuj rehwhqhkziwsiiakeisiisisiksmwm
kw2kkwkwkkwkwkkwkwkwkqkqiqowoooikqwkiwkki22iu12hjs8hn.j3jdjjdjrhdhie hi 3jrjjrjrjdjidjdjekw Kjsnnnxnslamamamamzmmmzzmzsmssmmsssjsjsbdvdvbdvdvvvxcbddbdbdd d's shhdhdhjdjdjjddjjruuuuuuuduudududuusjsjsjsJjzshhdhdhjdjdjjddjjruuuuuuuduudududuusjsjsjsJjz   


Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Uncle Pat sent Lorelai a birthday present all the way from Arkansas. She made immediate good use of the colored pencils, crayons, and princess coloring book. Mama put the markers and play-dough away for a special occasion play time. Certainly, Lorelai will enjoy them greatly as well.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Text messages today from Daddy to Mama:

Daddy: 12:31pm. :/ Lorelai is getting so big. Today at lunche I usually only give her half a sandwich but she assked for more. She's eating a whole sandwich and banana like a big people.
Daddy: 12:33pm. She didn't finish the sandwich. Still little!

Daddy: 1:41pm. "Lorelai did you poop?" "I don't think so."

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Lorelai likes to spend a good portion of her play time coloring. After we got home from Gigi's slumber party, Lorelai was gung-ho for breaking out the twistable crayons and paper. She usually wants to draw people that she knows and/or french fries (which appear to be straight lines). A budding artist.

Friday, March 21, 2014


It is finally warm enough out for a trip to the Zoo! Lorelai was too excited to see her favorites-- 'mingos, zebras, giraffs, kitties, and elephants (which is really a statue at the opening of the zoo).
This was a wonderful one year old birthday present from Nana and Pop-pop... and they gave Lorelai the membership again for her 2nd birthday! We'll be making good use of that, I am sure. Lorelai loves animals!

Thursday, March 20, 2014


"Time for your check up." Lorelai had her doctor's visit today. She took her doctor's kit too so she could help the doctor. Other than a little nervousness when the doctor arrived, she was fine with the whole thing. She didn't cry for her shots... our brave little princess.

Weight: 30.13 lbs
Height: 34.25 inches

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Happy 2nd birthday to the smartest, funniest, strongest, cleverest, little girl in the whole wide world. Look at her climbing up a big kid slide all on her own-- her idea, mind you. Lorelai is amazing.